If you see items in your purchase history but you can't redownload them, report a problem. Learn what to do if you can't download any apps on your iPhone or iPad or you can’t download any apps on your Mac.Ĭan't connect to the App Store, iTunes Store, Apple Books, or Apple TV app? Learn what to do if you can't connect. If there is a problem when you redownload Learn how to redownload hidden apps or unhide music, movies, TV shows, books and audiobooks.ĭo you want to redownload an app or other content that a family member purchased? If you have Family Sharing, you can download shared purchases.
If you don't see items in your purchase history on other Apple IDs, the purchases might be hidden. For example, an app that you bought for your Mac might not also work on your iPhone or Apple Watch. If you don't see an app that you want to redownload, that app might not be compatible with your device.
If you don't see the item in your purchase history, you might have purchased the item with a different Apple ID. Make sure that the item is in your purchase history for your Apple ID. If you don't see the item that you want to redownload Learn what to do if you can't redownload an item or if you don't see the item in your purchases. If there's an issue when you redownload apps, movies, or other content from Apple